Erika Christensen, one of the most talented andsought-after actresses of her generation, will star in the upcoming season of ABC’s anticipateddrama, "Wicked City." Christensen portrays Betty, a nurse, single mother and intended victim of aserial killer who instead falls for her and enters into a dangerous romantic relationship. Theseries, also starring Ed Westwick, is set to premiere October 27 of 2015. Christensen will alsobe seen in the upcoming HBO Film, "Confirmation," detailing the Senate hearings preceding theconfirmation of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, which were shaped by the testimonyand allegations of sexual harassment submitted by law professor Anita Hill. Christensen playsShirley Wiegand, fellow law professor and close friend of Hill.
For six seasons on NBC's critical favorite Parenthood, Christensen portrayed Julia Braverman-Graham, opposite screen husband Joel, played by Sam Jaeger. The love story of “Joel andJulia” developed a fervently dedicated fan following who admired and aspired to their loving(and tumultuous) relationship. Christensen previously starred alongside Hope Davis, CampbellScott, Jay Hernandez, and Bridget Moynahan in J.J. Abrams' television series "Six Degrees."
Audiences were stunned by Christensen’s performance in Steven Soderbergh's film "Traffic," asMichael Douglas' drug-addicted daughter. The film went on to win a SAG Award for Best Cast,a Golden Globe award and was nominated for several Academy Awards. Christensen also wonan MTV Movie Award for her role. She went on to star in critically acclaimed film roles, such asRobert Schwentke's blockbuster hit "Flight Plan," opposite Jodie Foster, Brian Robbins’, "ThePerfect Score," opposite Scarlett Johansson, and Bob Dolman's "The Banger Sisters," oppositeSusan Sarandon and Goldie Hawn. Her career is filled with further memorable roles, as in MikeBinder's critically acclaimed "The Upside of Anger," opposite Kevin Costner and Joan Allen and cultfavorite thriller "Swimfan," opposite Jesse Bradford.
In 2014 Christensen won a Gracie Award for her performance on Parenthood, an awardwhich honors actors portrayals of characters which support women in entertainment. Shepreviously received the Spirit Award at the 2003 Annual Diversity Awards, an honor bestowedupon an actor who has demonstrated diversity in role choices during their career.
Christensen resides in Los Angeles.